As the built environment is currently responsible for 25% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions (UKGBC, 2023), at Innes England we feel it is our responsibility to make it a key priority to reduce the sector’s environmental impact and address the major priority of decarbonising the industry.
It is essential that we in the real estate landscape make it a key priority to reduce the environmental impact. In 2022, Innes England joined forces with our carbon partner, Auditel, to baseline the commencement of our journey and assist with the business’ reduction planning, allowing us to implement our strategic objectives. Our aim is to responsibly operate in the property and places sector, whilst safeguarding the planet now and in the future.
As a leading agent in the Midlands, we recognise that our role is to manage our business and that of our clients by putting disciplines into practice that help reduce environmental impact. Innes England’s sustainability committee works together across our offices to promote sustainability and carbon reduction at both an office and business level. Acting now can positively impact the environment, community, and economy, today and in the future.
Sustainability in the built environment
Sustainability and carbon reduction is embedded within our property asset management team. We endeavour to explore all opportunities to make places under our management socially and environmentally more sustainable. Some examples include:
We also work closely with our Building Consultancy team to provide support with clients and tenants to work towards their green goals, such as project managing high value building improvements.
We also look wider to our supply chain and ensure that our chosen contractors conduct themselves and carry out all work in a sustainable manner, where possible.
More benefits to going green
It has been evidenced in the market that sustainable buildings achieve higher rents and are let more quickly (Architecture Today, 2023) as well as there being a growing demand of occupiers waiting for net zero and more sustainable buildings.
One of the most recent trends is occupiers wanting to reduce their utilities as much as possible. Working with landlords to upgrade their property assists in tenant retention, values and EPC ratings. When it comes to EPC ratings, we’re supporting our clients to ensure their buildings are complying with EPC Regulations (2007) and the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) legislation, through keeping up to date with changes in legislation, advising them on a proactive level and implementing positive changes to their properties, where necessary.
Grace completed her Carbon Literacy training in 2021 and also has a Level 4 award from Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University having followed an approved programme in Sustainable & Inclusive Management. Grace is a member of Innes England’s sustainability committee.