Key Information
- Available due to abortive negotiation
- Close to M&S, Hotel Chocolat, Pret and Scribbler
- Ground floor retail unit with basement
- 1,328 sq ft
- Prominent city centre location
- £27,500 per annum
Nottingham is the principal city and dominant retail centre in the East Midlands with a shopping catchment of 3.2 million people and an estimated retail spend of £13 billion pounds. Major multiple retailers located in the city include Marks & Spencer, Primark, John Lewis and Debenhams. The property comprises a double fronted ground floor retail unit with basement storage and w/c facilities. The building is Grade II listed and falls within Nottingham's Market Square Conservation Area.
The property is situated on Hounds Gate in Nottingham's city centre. Hounds Gate runs between Wheeler Gate and Maid Marian Way. The property is in a prominent location and is located in a high footfall position adjacent to Nottingham's main retail thoroughfare.
All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT if applicable.
We have been advised by Valuation Office Agency that the property is assessed as follows: Rateable Value £27,500* *This Rateable Value contains stores within the upper floors of the property. The ground floor and basement will need to be separately assessed, therefore the Rateable Value should decrease for the space available to let.
It is understood that all mains services are available.
An EPC is not required as the building is Grade II listed.
Legal Costs
Each party is to bear their own legal costs incurred.
Measurements are quoted on a Net Internal basis in accordance with the RICS Property Measurement First Edition.
It is our understanding that the premises have a current planning consent for use as Class A3 (Restaurants & Cafes), under the Use Classes Order 1987. Interested parties should verify this with Nottingham City Council.
Viewings are by appointment with sole agents Innes England