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Prospect House And Readson House

Under Offer

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Prospect House And Readson House

94-98 Regent Road





28,258.00 Sq Ft


Upon Application

Key Information

  • Total NIA: 28,258 sq ft (2,625.26 sq m)
  • Price on application
  • Price on application

The two buildings lie adjacently on Regent Road, although are not connected internally. The buildings are constructed over ground and three upper levels, providing clear open plan floor plates, with excellent natural lighting. Each floor has now been subdivided by means of lightweight partitions. There is a passenger lift from the main core serving each level, together with male and female WCs throughout. The rear of each building, that is accessed from a driveway off De Montfort Street, provides car parking for approximately 20 cars along the flank elevations of both buildings.

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