Key Information
- Total NIA: 28,258 sq ft (2,625.26 sq m)
- Price on application
- Price on application
The two buildings lie adjacently on Regent Road, although are not connected internally. The buildings are constructed over ground and three upper levels, providing clear open plan floor plates, with excellent natural lighting. Each floor has now been subdivided by means of lightweight partitions. There is a passenger lift from the main core serving each level, together with male and female WCs throughout. The rear of each building, that is accessed from a driveway off De Montfort Street, provides car parking for approximately 20 cars along the flank elevations of both buildings.
Prospect House and Readson House lie prominently on Regent Road, equidistant between Waterloo Way and De Montfort Street, approximately one mile south of Leicester City Centre. The buildings lie in close proximity to the Midland Mainline Railway Station on London Road and Waterloo Way that forms part of the inner ring road network. Of significance is a location close to University of Leicester main campus on University Road. The buildings are located at the edge of the primary office core of Leicester, and within the New Walk Conservation Area. City centre retail facilities are only a short walk away via Granby Street.
There has been no election to waiver the VAT exemption and therefore VAT will not be payable on the purchase price.
The property is currently listed as offices and premises and has a rateable value of £201,000. Source: VOA
Main electricity, drainage, water and gas are believed to be connected to both buildings.
Prospect House 94 Regent Road The premises have an EPC assessment of: C73 Readson House, 96-98 Regent Road The premises have an EPC assessment of: D78
Legal Costs
Each party will bear their own costs incurred in the transaction.
Measurements are quoted on a Net Internal basis in accordance with the RICS Property Measurement Second Edition.
Both Prospect House and Readson House have an education use within Class F1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendments) (England) Regulations 2020. Pre-application advice was provided in April 2023 by Leicester City Council, the Local Planning Authority, that confirmed the principle of a change of use to student accommodation (Sui Generis), subject to following the guidance provided by the Student Housing SPD, dealing with the layout and quality of the internal accommodation. Further information and a copy of the advice is available upon request.
Viewings are by appointment with sole agents Innes England