Key Information
- Total GIA: 41,457 sq ft (3,851.4 sq m)
- Situated in a popular industrial area
- Good road links nearby
- Rent: £207,500 per annum exclusive
- £207,500 per annum exclusive
The subject property comprises three interlinked industrial buildings, which have arranged in an L-shape configuration having a main frontage onto Parker Drive and an ancillary frontage onto Beaumont Leys Lane. The warehouse accommodation is predominantly arranged over the ground floor, and in part, a lower ground floor due to the topography of the site. The lower ground floor accommodation links into the ground floor accommodation fronting Beaumont Leys Lane. The warehouse accommodation comprises various open plan sections of steel portal frame / brick construction, beneath a pitched steel truss roof. There is a solid concrete floor throughout with suspended tube lighting; a sprinkler system and a fire alarm system with emergency lighting. The eaves height within the various sections ranges between 3.17 metres - 3.56 metres. At the Parker Drive elevation there is a part two-storey, part-three storey office block. This accommodation comprises open plan and partitioned office sections together with kitchen / WC welfare facilities. The specification to the offices generally includes a suspended ceiling with inset lighting, carpet floor coverings and double-glazed windows in uPVC framing. Externally, there are off-road parking provisions at the Parker Drive elevation adjacent to a loading bay, with similar provisions at the Beaumont Leys Lane elevation.
Leicester is the second largest city within the East Midlands, located some 20 miles south of Nottingham and 43 miles north east of Birmingham. According to the Census in 2011, the district population was some 320,000 persons. The subject property has dual frontages to Parker Drive and Beaumont Leys Lane respectively, and is located within an established inner-city industrial area, located approximately 1.5 miles north west of Leicester City Centre. In terms of road networks, in close proximity are the A6 (Abbey Lane), and the A50 (Groby Road) truck roads, which form arterial routes leading to the inner and outer ring roads of the city.
All figures are quoted exclusive of VAT, if applicable.
Service Charge
The property is currently listed as Warehouse and Premises and has a rateable value of £88,000. Source: VOA
The premises have an EPC assessment of: C 70
Legal Costs
Each party is to bear their own legal costs incurred.
Measurements are quoted on a Gross Internal basis in accordance with the RICS Property Measurement Second Edition.
Viewings are by appointment with sole agents Innes England